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Jura Artwork

Maartje completed two studies; Multimedia and Graphic Design and pursued a degree in Equine Business Management. Since childhood, she has a passion for drawing (mostly horses), and now she enjoys painting a variety of subjects with oil paints. 

Also she creates freestyles on music for dressage, enjoys photography, and loves to make sculptures. And offcourse she loves to create websites.

She devotes much time to her horses, two rescue dogs, and two daughters Valerie (born in 2011) and Charlène (2014).

Henk Barendregt (1947) occupies the chair of Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science at Nijmegen University, The Netherlands. He studied at Utrecht University mathematical logic, obtaining his Masters in 1968 and his Ph.D. in 1971, both cum laude, under Dirk van Dalen and Georg Kreisel. After a Postdoc period at Stanford University he held positions at Utrecht University and was visiting scholar at Darmstadt, Zürich (ETH), Siena and Kyoto, and adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon University. Barendregt is known for his work in lambda_calculus and type_theory. Since 1986 he is professor at Nijmegen University, where he and his group work on Formal Mathematics, a technology based on the idea of AUTOmated verification of MATHematics program of N. G. de Bruijn. 

Henk Barendregt

Joerg Endrullis is an assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Theoretical Computer Science Group. His research interests include:

  • logic
  • term and graph rewriting
  • automata theory
  • coalgebra
  • formalized mathematics and proof assistants
Park Hoge Veluwe

The nature of The Hoge Veluwe National Park is overwhelming. The different ancient Veluwe landscapes constantly change; during your journey through the Park you will encounter deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, as well as wet and dry heathlands, grasslands and drift sand landscapes.These landscapes host an unprecedented diversity of plant and animal species. From the rare pearl butterfly to the imposing red deer, from the gentian blue to the little salsify. The Park has over a hundred Red List species (Red List species are species that have disappeared from or are at risk of disappearing from the Netherlands), such as the wheatear, the wryneck, the European tree frog and the grass snake.

University of Groningen, 1974 – 1979, Masters’ degree in Mathematics: January 23, 1979 (cum laude)
University of Amsterdam, 1979 – 1983, Ph.D. graduation in Mathematics: November 16, 1983

1979 – 1983: University of Amsterdam, department of Mathematics
1983 – 1987: Philips Data Systems, Apeldoorn
1987 – 2000: Utrecht University, department of Computer Science
2000 – 2022 : Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Computer Science
2007 – 2022 : Radboud University Nijmegen, Department of Computer Science (part time full professor)